The Ethereal Realm

The Ethereal Realm
The Ethereal Realm is a interactive Virtual Destination on A place that is available for free for anyone who has a computer at any part of the world. Many artists and illustrators create "things" for this virtual world. You will also find that many people who are handicapped, terminally ill, mentally ill or disabled and many war veterans who suffer from PTSD are in this virtual world since they have no other place to interact with others or do regular life activities. I have tried to make a place inspirational for those less fortunate there. IM and voice chat is available in Secondlife as well so I try to hold meetings that inspire others to improve their daily lives.
On this website you will find that you can click on many images to gain information about non- profit beneficial organizations or links to self- help websites. Some of my regular art is also available to view. If interested in learning more or purchasing anything please go to the about me tab and click to send me an email. Thank you for looking and have an amazing day!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Meetings focus on learning both Mindfulness and Radical Acceptance, two things which can improve the quality of your everyday life.
Here are the Definitions.
Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to experience.
Radical Acceptance is the ability to completely accept a situation exactly as it is in the moment without trying to change it. The idea behind the concept is to help people learn to let go of trying to control, manipulate and/or direct the outcome of a situation or a relationship. By trying to control a situation, we create more stress and unhappiness for ourselves in the long run because we can only control ourselves. It’s hard to accept that we cannot control all circumstances and all relationships all the time and we keep trying despite the reality that we cannot.
We would like to meet a few times a week- Dates will be announced in the Charity/Support Group Section of the Event Guide or Join the Euphoria Group @ The Ethereal Realm. Feel free to bring your friends to the meeting while we watch a short video and have a brief discussion on how these skills can be used.
The Ethereal Realm is a place about our world and yourself. It has links to global causes as well as two memorial areas and a room about inner transformation with links to self- help sites. It is  a dreamy place with interactive areas, a hangout spot for inworld support meetings and a gacha shop for sales to keep this place alive on SL. Initially it started out at a full Sim called InsidePandorasBox. Here is the link for that amazing 2 year project